애니메이션 라푼젤의 영어대본으로 영화청취공부하기(Tangled-2010)
벌써 라푼젤(Tangled)도 만들어진지 오래된 디즈니의 애니메이션중에 하나가 되었네요.
하지만..지금까지 여전히 사랑을 받고 있어요.
특히 많은이들로 하여금 영어청취학습용을 선택되어지고 있는 영화입니다.
저도 이 라푼젤의 영어대본으로 영어공부용으로 대본을 보기 편하게 깔끔하게 만들었습니다.
라푼젤을 간략히 소개하자면요.
배우이자 싱어송라이터이인 맨디 무어(Mandy Moore)가 여주인공의 목소리로 캐스팅되었고
제케커리 레비(Zachary Levi)라는 배우가 남자주인공역을 맡았네요.
둘이 부르는 OST중 하나인 'I see the light'는 너무 좋아요.
라푼젤이 디즈니의 50번째 애니메이션이라고 하네요.
물론...당연히 이 영화도 직접 청취공부를하면서 문장하나하나 체크해가며 대본을 만들어 보았습니다.
가급적 등장인물들의 풀센텐스(Full sentence)로 보기편하고 출력하기 좋게 페이지수는 적게...
대본들이 보통 페이지수가 쫌 많아서 출력하여 영어공부하려고 보면 부담될때가 많더라구요.
대본의 페이지수를 줄이고
제가 출력해서 보기 편하게 하려고꼼꼼하게 만들었답니다.
대본은 당연 비밀번호가 걸려 있어요.
첨부된 영어대본을 비번으로 열어서 보시면 됩니다.
그림형제(독일)의 동화집에 수록된 라푼젤을 원작으로 만든 디즈니의 애니메이션이다.
못된 엄마 고델때문에 오랜 18년동안 외딴 탑에 갇혀 지낸 긴 머리의 라푼젤과 왕관을 훔쳐 도망 다니던
플린이 성에 침입하게 되고 라푼젤과 플린은 세상 밖으로 나가게 되는데...
라푼젤(Tangled) 영어대본중에서
This is the story of how I died. Don't worry, this is actually a very fun story. And the truth is : it isn't even mine. This is the story of a girl named Rapunzel. And is starts, with the sun. Once upon a time, a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens. And from this small drop of sun, grew a magic, golden, flower. It had the ability to heal the sick, and injured. Oh, you see that old woman, over there?
You might want to remember her.
She's kind of important, Well, centuries pass and a hop skip and a bump right away there grew a kingdom.
The kingdom was ruled by a beloved King and Queen. And the Queen, well she was about to have a baby, and she got sick, really, sick. She was running out of time.
And that's when people usually start to look for a miracle.
Or in this case, a magic golden flower. Ahhh, I told you she'd be important. You see instead of sharing the And all she had to do, was sing a special song.
Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine Make the clock reverse, bring back what oce was mine What once was mine
All right, you get the jist. She sings she turns young, creepy, right?
We've found it!
The magic of the golden flower, healed the queen. A healthy baby girl, a princess was born. With beautiful golden hair. I'll give you a hint. That's Rapunzel. To celebrate her birth, the King and Queen launched a flying lantern into the sky. For that one moment, every thing was perfect. And then that moment ended.
Flower, gleam and glow, Let your powers shine Make the clock re..Huh!
Gothel broke into the castle and stoled the child, just like that...gone. The Kingdom searched and searched, but they could not find the Princess. But deep within the forest In a hidden tower. Gothel raised the child as her own...
Bring back what was lost, what once was mine, what once was mine.
Gothed had found her new magic flower. But this time she was determined to keep it hidden.
Why can't I go outside?
The outside world is a dangerous place. Filled with horrible, Selfish people. You must stary here, where you're safe. Do you understand, flower?
Yes, Mommy. But the walls of that tower, could not hide every thing. Each year on her irthday, the King and Queen released thousands of lanterns into the sky. In hope that one day, their lost Princess, would return.
Hah! Hmm, Well I guess Pascal's not hiding out here. Gotcha!
That's twenty two for me. How about twenty three, out of fouty five?
Okay, well, what do you want to do? Yeah, I don't think so. I like it in here and so do you. Oh, come on Pascal, it's not so bad in there.
[When Will My Life Begin] 가사 : 따라 불러봐요~
7a.m. the usual morning line-up Starting the chores I sweep 'til the floors all clean Polish and wax, do laundry and mop and shine up. Sweep again, and by then it's like 7:15. So I'll read a book, or maybe two or three. I'd add a few new paintings to my gallery. I'll play guitar, and knit, and cook and basically. Wonder when will my life, begin. Then after lunch, it's puzzles, and darts and baking. Papier-mch, a bit of ballet, and chess. Pottery, and ventriloquy, candle making. Then I'LL stretch, maybe sketch. Take a climb, sew a dress, and I'll re-read the books. If I have time to spare, I'll paint the wall some more, I'm sure there's room somewhere. And then I'll brush, and brush, and bursh, and brush my hair. Stuck in the same place I've always been. And I'll keep ondering, and wondering, there, where they glow? Now that I'm older. other might just let me go.
Wow! I could get used to a view like this.
Flynn, come on.
Hold on.
Yep, I'm used to it. Guys want a castle.
We do this job, you could buy your own castle.
Oh, hay fever? Yeah. Huh? Wait, Wait, Hew, wait!
Can't you picture me in a castle of my own? I mean, I certainly can.
Oh, the things we've seen and it's only eight in the morning. Gentlemen, this is a very big day.
----------이하 생략---------
라푼젤(Tangled) 영어대본(프린터 출력용)
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도움되시고 좋으시면 [공감버튼] 꾹꾹 눌러주세요~ ♡
「I See The Light - 라푼젤 OST」