Movie Room(인기영어대본모음)

영화속의 OST가 사랑스러운 영화 비긴어게인의 영어대본으로 영어공부해요.(Begin Again 2013)

CandyCandy 2018. 6. 18. 21:27

영화속의 OST가 멋진 영화 비긴어게인(Begin again)을 소개해 볼께요.


2013년도 쯤에 개봉되었는데요...하..벌써 5년의 시간이 흘렀네요.

개봉한지 얼마 되지 않은것 같은데..

시간은 왜이리 빨리빨리 흘러가는것일까요ㅋ?


이 영화속의 주인공은 제가 좋아하는 여배우중 하나인 그레타역의 키아라 나이틀리(Keira Knightley)와 남자주인공인 어벤져스(Avengers)에서도 유명하고 댄역을 맡은 마크 러팔로(Mark Ruffalo)입니다.

그리고 좋아하는 마룬5(Maroon5)의 애덤 리바인(Adam Levine)이 데이브역을 맡았습니다.


영화속에서 키아라 나이틀리(Keira Knightley)가 부른 Lost Stars는 특히 유명하죠...사랑스러워서겠죠. 노래까지 잘할줄을 몰랐네요.


무튼..전 키아라 나이틀리(Keira Knightley)가 나온 영화는 다 좋아요. 


이 영화를 개봉하면서 지금까지 3번정도를 본것같은데..

볼때마다 좋았던 기억이 있어서인지...


오늘도  요영화로 대본공부하기 위해서 영어대본을 만들보았습니다.



페이지수 줄이고 보기 편하게 작업해서 영어공부하기 좋을거에요.

프린트로 출력해서 보면 대본공부하기 딱이에요.

필요한 페이지만 가지고 다니면서 틈틈히 보면서 입으로 읊어보면서 외워버리기하면 좋아요.

대본을 달달달 외워버릴려고 노력중입니다..


영화청취공부로 대본이 필요한분은 댓글로 비밀번호 요청해 주시면 됩니다요ㅋ.



Begin Again(영)

She's a friend of mine who, like me, is a long way from home.
And if it's OK with you, I was wondering if you'd like her to come up here and play one of her songs.
Is that OK? Yeah?
Gretta, would you come up here, please?
Uh, just give me a moment.
I think it would be a good idea if you'd come up and sing one of been alone in the city.
Thanks. See? Get up! It's 7:00am.
Good morning, New York, and welcome to the second hour ; and Andy in the Morning!
Hey, Patsy, did you, uh...did you read about the dog?
The Korean restaurant thing?
Oh, I certainly did.
Did you hear about that, Katie?
Fresh prospects, let's hear it.
What do you got for me? No, no!
Who's next on this delightful journey?
No, no, no, no, man. No!
No, you can't...No, you can't!
It's shit. It's shit!
Get fucking out of my car.
She asked me to watch you today. Let's go.
So where do you want to go, the Museum of Natural History?
You want to go to the park and get ice cream or what?
Why would I want to do that? I'm not ten.
What's that smell? Oh, that's gasoline.
I was filling up the car with gasoline, and then I spilled a little on my pant leg.
That isn't alcohol. I think I got a meeting here.
You want to wait here or you want to come?
You think you have a meeting?
Do you or not? Let's see.
See? This is fun, right?
When we came into this neighborhood in '92, there was nobody here.
I was just passing by.
OK, well, we were just...we were...closing up about this audio commentary piece.
Yeah, shit idea. It was a shit idea then.
Still a shit idea. It didn't age well.
Oh yeah, we...we appreciate your candor.
We had... We had a different view of it here, though.
I mean, musicians, for the most part, are pretty much monosyllabic teenagers who really don't have that much to say, and that's the good ones, right?
So what are we doing here?
The music industry is fine.
It's always gonna be fine.
We always have been fine.
Well, um...Hm. Thanks so much, Karen.
Yeah, let me know.
Uh, let's... let's talk more.
I really appreciate you...
Yeah, of course… coming by.
Thanks, guys. Great meeting.
Good to see you, Dan.
I'm glad we got that figured out.
Thank you. Yeah.
Bands doing audio commentary on their own music is so fucking lame, Saul, and you know it.
Ten years ago, man, you would've shit on that idea.
It's something. It's an idea.
It's something that helps keep the lights on. It's something.
We need vision, not gimmicks.
We need to talk, man.
Come back here.
Don't you walk away from me, man.
You can't do this shit, man.
You can't pull this shit, dude.
Because they know, they know. They know what?
These people know that they are sitting behind those desks because I started an independent record label above that bar, Saul.
And we changed the way that things were gonna be done, man.
Nurture and foster.
Things change, times change.
What are you talking about?
They signed to us.
Don't bother her. Don't bother her.
Ifs not Jerry Maguire. Dad, let's go.
I'm taking my art, then.
That's it, I'm taking the art.
It's my art. I paid for it. I bought it. I picked it out. I got it.
Get away from me. Get away.
I got it, I got it. No, you don't. Let go. Stop it!
Leave it there.
I'm coming back. for that.
That's mine. All of that's mine.
Come on, baby.
You want another one?
Um, I do, but I won't. I mustn't. I can't.
What do you think?
I don't really know you.
So...You know, two years is a long time in the life of a teenager.
Where'd you learn to talk like that?
My psychiatrist. Psychiatrist.
Yeah, you sure do, Dad.
How old did you say I was?
Did I say you were 15?
I meant you were 14. Did I say 15?
You got money to pay for these beers?
I don't... I... I'm a kid. I don't have any money on me.
What happened to your pocket money?
I spent that on condoms.
I... What? No, no, no, no, no.
Too much information.
You ready? For what? Ah!
That was fun, right?
Don't smile. It was fun, Dad.
Yeah. You had a good time.
We haven't ran like that since you were little. That was good.
This your daddy? Hey.
I'm glad you're here.
Look away.
I was just going to the car...You OK? I'm fine.
I'm sorry. My bad.
Have a great day.
I could've taken that guy, just didn't want to make a scene.
Do me a favor, all right? Don't tell your mom I lost my job today.
Listen to me...Thanks for a really normal day, Dad.
What? Shit. Hello, everyone.
Hi. Hi. How's work? Uh, fine. You look hungry.
Her teachers are really worried about her.
No girls like her at school.
She is distant, and basically, the only people who want to hang out with her are older boys who want to fuck her.
Oh, really?
And you find that a big surprise seeing how you let... you let her walk out of the house
looking like... I... like...Jodie Foster from Taxi Driver?
She dresses the way she wants to, and besides, any daughter who dresses like that only wants one thing.
A pimp?
decide you have a fucking conscience about.
You know what?
Thirty seconds after you're gone, we'll have totally forgotten you were ever here.
Thank you. Shit. Fuck.
I thought there was no hope.
I thought there were no answers, and then I found God.
God may not always be on our time, but he's on time.
Whenever you're alone...
Sir? Go.
Have a talk with God.
Right, man. OK.
I'm gonna have a little talk with God, all right.
Thank you. Thank you.
What if he doesn't answer?
Attention, due to a signal malfunction at Jay Street, the next uptown train...
Fuck....will arrive in 20 minutes.
Hey. Give me a bourbon. Hurry up.
What kind of bourbon you want?
Well, I don't care...and I was wondering if it might be OK if she came up here and sang a song.
Is that OK? Yeah?
Gretta, would you come up here, please? H i.
So, this is a new song, so it might be kind of rough.'s for anyone who's ever been alone in the city.
I'm in.
I want to make records with you.
I want to...I want to produce you.
I want to sign you.
I'm not a performer, I write songs from time to time.
Are all the songs as good as that one?
Are you really an A&R man?
You look more like a homeless man.
I've been celebrating all weekend, I signed a band and we got carried away.
That's some song you got there.
got to do with anything?
Jesus, you're tricky, aren't you?
No, I actuallyjust think that music is about ears, not eyes.
And I'm not Judy Garland just off a Greyhound bus looking for stardom, but really, thank you.
OK, bye. Bye. OK, here's the truth.
I couldn't have signed you if I wanted to, all right? OK.

---------------중간 생략------------



비긴어게인 영어대본


영어대본 첨부파일(비밀번호 : 5378a)
