픽사의 애니메이션 인사이드 아웃의 영어대본으로 영어청취학습하기 (Inside Out-2015)
이번 영화대본은 디즈니·픽사의 인사이드 아웃(Inside Out)입니다.
이 영화도 어른들이 보아도 전혀 손색없는 감동적인 영화인듯해요.
주인공들의 이름도 기쁨이. 슬픔이. 까칠이. 소심이. 버럭이. 라일리..
같이 영어청취공부 해요.
영어청취공부를 하기 위해서 대본작업을 하는것이 쉽지만은 않은듯한데요..
그래도 대본을 공부하기 편하게 작업하고 보면 공부할맛이 조금은 더나더라구요.
사실 대본이 너덜너덜 할때까지 반복반복 또 반복으로 보고 읊어보고.. 또 외우기까지 해야하니까..
깔끔하고 페이지수가 적게하면 영어공부하기에 너무 좋더라구요.
그래서 제가 대본작업을 하게 된 이유입니다.
영어대본을 깔끔하게 만들어놓으면 언제든 원하는 영화대본을 프린트출력해서 볼수 있으니 좋더라구요.
영화로 청취공부하시는분들과 영어대본 공유합니다.
필요하신분들은 댓글로 대본요청해주세요.
대본이 잠겨있어요~~
*대본은 맨 아래 첨부파일로 올려놓았습니다.
디즈니·픽사 인사이드 아웃
1. 가볍게 자막없이 1~2번정도 청취하기
2. 영어대본이나 자막을 가지고 내요파악하며 청취하기
3. 대본을 가지고 단어랑 지문을 학습하기(암기하기)
4. 영어받아쓰기 하기
5. 자막없는 동영상을 무한반복 청취하기
Inside out(영)
Do you ever look at someone and wonder...
"What is going on inside their head?"
Well, I know. Well, I know Riley's head.
And there she was...Hello. Riley. Look at you.
Aren't you a little bundle of joy? It was amazing.
Just Riley and me. Forever.
For 33 seconds.
I'm Sadness.
Hello. I... I'm Joy.
So...Can I just... If you could...
I just want to fix that.
And that was just the beginning.
Headquarters only got more crowded from there.
Very nice. Okay, looks like you got this.
Very good.
Sharp turn!
No! Look out!
No! That's Fear.
He's really good at keeping Riley safe.
Easy, easy.
We're good.
We're good.
Good job. Thank you.
Thank you very much.
And we're back!
Here we go.
All right, open.
This looks new.
You think it's safe?
What is it?
Okay, caution.
There is a dangerous smell, people.
Hold on.
What is that?
This is Disgust.
She basically keeps Riley from being poisoned.
Physically and socially That is not brightly colored or shaped like a dinosaur.
Hold on, guys.
It's broccoli!
Well, I just saved our lives.
Yeah. You're welcome.
Riley, if you don't eat your dinner, you're not gonna get any dessert.
Wait. Did he just say we couldn't have dessert?
That's Anger.
He cares very deeply about things being fair.
So that's how you want to play it, old man?
No dessert?
Sure, we'll eat our dinner!
Right after you eat this!
Riley, Riley, here comes an airplane!
We got an airplane, everybody.
And you've met Sadness.
She... Well, she...I'm not actually sure what she does.
And I've checked, there's no place for her to go, so...
She's good, we're good.
It's all great!
Anyway, these are Riley's memories and they're mostly happy,
you'll notice.
Not to brag.
But the really important ones are over here.
I don't want to get too technical, but these are called Core Memories.
Each one came from a super important time in Riley's life.
Like when she first scored a goal.
That was so amazing!
Hey! Would you look at that?
Very nice!
We got a future center here! Nice job.
And each Core Memory powers a different aspect of Riley's personality.
Like Hockey Island.
Goofball Island is my personal favorite.
Come back here, you little monkey!
You're silly.
Yep, Goofball is the best.
Friendship Island is pretty good too.
I love Honesty Island.
And that's the truth!
And of course, Family Island is amazing.
The point is, the Islands of Personality are what make Riley... Riley!
Look out, mermaid!
인사이드 아웃(영어대본)
인사이드 아웃 page1
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