영어대본(script)으로 공부할수있는 빨간머리앤(Anne with an e)의 시즌1-7화
드디어 미드시리즈인 빨간머리앤(Anne with an e)의 시즌1의 영어대본(script)이 끝났네요.
곧이어서 시즌2의 영어대본도 이어나가길 할거지만요.
시즌2까지 이미 다 보았습니다.
너무 재미있고 다음 시즌3도 기다려진다고 얘기 드렸었는데요.
재미있으니 당근 대본으로 만들어 영어공부를 하고 있겠죠.ㅋ
궁금해요. 원작의 어디까지 스토리를 풀어나갈지...
영화도 그렇고 미드도 그렇지만 인기가 좋아야 다음 후속편들이 만들어지잖아요.
빨간머리앤도 인기 시리즈물로 고공행진했으면합니다.
앤과 길버트의 러브라인도 기다려지구요.ㅋ
오늘도 시즌1의 마지막 에피소드인 7화의 영어대본으로 가지고 왔습니다.
같이 영어공부해요.
대본파일 공유합니다. 필요하신분들은 받아가세요.
대본은 잠긴대본입니다. 요청해주세요.
01-07 Wherever You Are is My Home
Away in a manger No crib for his bed The little Lord Jesus..
Do you suppose it's true that no two snowflakes are alike? I hope so. It's kind of comforting, isn't it?
And the bank manager, who happens to be my uncle, he said that the Cuthberts are poor.
I've heard it said that snow is a sign of God's forgiveness..and..( Shhh! )By blanketing the ugly, frozen earth and making it beautiful.
Anne is poor?
What do you mean, "poor?"
Poor, as in : "penniless old fellow with no head for finance."
That's not very nice.
Snow means Christmas is coming, and I love Christmas, don't you?
I don't know. But I plan to.
Did you not have Christmas at the orphanage? There wasn't much to it, really. I'm not sure why Father Christmas wasn't able to stop there. Maybe the matron scared him off.
That can't be true.
The Cuthberts had to mortgage their farm. Isn't that sad?
Josie Pye, you take that back!
Why are you upset? It's only true. You're poor. Wait. You didn't know? Do you at least know if they're going to keep you?
Keep me?
Next! Come along. In Excelsis Deo. That's right, children, come along now. Take your places, please.
Angels we have heard on high Sweetly singing o'er the plains And the mountains in reply Echoing their joyous strains Gloria In Excelsis Deo
Gloria Are you sure you're alright?
Maybe you should slow down. I have to get on home.
Oh, Diana, it can't be true! It isn't. That Josie Pye is just as mean as they make them. She hadn't any right to tell tales about you.
My first family. My first home!
They're not going to send you back. You're in the Bible and everything.
We can't lose Green Gables. We just can't!
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