티스토리 뷰

픽사(Pixar)는 정말 애니메이션의 대가답게 영화를 만든다.

재미와 감동을 빠트리지 않죠.

지난번 토이스토리(Toy Story) 1편을 소개하고 영어대본도 만들어보았는데요.

다시 이어서 토이스토리2를 소개할까 합니다.


일반적으로 영화를 시리즈로 만들때는 전편을 능가하기는 쉽지 않다는 평들을 받곤하는데요.


토이스토리 시리즈는 이 편견을 깨고 1편에 뒤지지 않는 2편을 만들었고...1편과 2편에 절대 뒤지지 않는 3편을 2010년에 만들어냈습니다.

당연히 지금 다시 봐도 재미와 감동이 있는 애니메이션입



토이스토리4편이 2019년인 내년에 만들어진다고 예고되있는데요.

저도 기대해 봅니다.


토이스토리1편의 영어대본에 이어서 2편도 영어대본을 만들어보았습니다.


저처럼 영화로 영화청취공부하시는분들중에 대본이 필요하신 경우는 공유합니다.

맨 아래에 첨부파일을 올려놓았습니다.

영어대본은 출력해서 보기 편하고 깔끔하게 페이지수를 줄여서 만들었습니다. 

대본에는 당연히 비번이 걸려있습니다ㅋ.

토이스토리2편도 대본이 필요하신경우는 댓글요청해주세요.


제가 정성들여 만든 대본이기에 영화청취로 공부하시는 분들께 큰도움이 된다면 저도 뿌듯함을 느낄수 있어 좋습니다.

자주자주 들러주세요.


Toy Story2(영-1999)
Buzz Lightyear mission log.
All signs point to this planet as the location of Zurg's fortress, but there seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere.
Come tome, my prey.
To infinity and beyond!
So, we meet again, Buzz Lightyear, for the last time.
Not today, Zurg!
Oh, no! No!
No, no, no, no.
Oh, you almost had him.
I'm never gonna defeat Zurg!
Sure, you will, Rex.
In fact, you're a better Buzz than I am.
But look at my little arms!
I can't press the "fire" button and jump at the same time!
Where is it?
Where is it?
Uh, Woody?
Hang on, cowboy!
Woody, are you all right?
Oh. Yeah.
Yeah, I'm fine, Buzz. Okay. Here's your list of things to do while I'm gone.
Batteries need to be changed.
Toys in the bottom of the chest need to be rotated.
Oh, and make sure everyone attends Mr. Spell's seminar...on what to do
if you or a part of you is swallowed.
Okay? Okay. Good. Okay.
Woody, you haven't found your hat yet, have you?
No! And Andy's leaving for cowboy camp any minute, and I can't find it anywhere!
Don't worry, Woody.
In just a few hours, you'll be sitting around a campfire with Andy making delicious, hot "sch'moes."
They're called s'mores, Buzz.
Right. Right. Of course.
Has anyone found Woody's hat yet?
Keep looking, men.
Dig deeper! Negatory. Still searching.
The lawn gnome next door says it's not in the yard, but he'll keep lookin'.
It's not in Molly's room.
We've looked everywhere.
I found it.
You found my hat?
Your hat? no. the Mrs lost her earring.
Oh, my little sweet potato!
Oh, you found it!
Oh, it's so nice...to have a big, strong spud around the house.
Oh, great. That's just great.
This'll be the first year I miss cowboy camp, all because of my stupid hat!
Woody, look under your boot.
Don't be silly.
My hat is not under my boot.
Would you just look?
You see? No hat.
Just the word "Andy."
Uh-huh. And the boy who wrote that would take you to camp with or without your hat.
I'm sorry, Bo.
It's just that I've been lookin' forward to this all year.
It's my one time with just me and Andy.
You're cute when you care.
Bo, not in front of Buzz.
Let him look.
Miss Peep, your sheep!
This is Al from Al's Toy Barn, and I'm sittin' on good deals.
Ow! I think I'm feeling a deal hatching right now.
Whoa! Let's see what we got. We got boats for a buck, Beanies for a buck..
Rex, turn it off!. Someone's gonna hear!
Which one is off?
Have a good weekend, everybody.
I'll see you Sunday night.
It's in my room.
Stick'em up.
I guess we'll work on that later.
Hey, Woody.
Ready to go to cowboy camp?
Andy, honey, come on.
Five minutes, and we're leavin'.
Five minutes. Hmm.
Help, help!
Somebody help me!
Let her go, evil Dr. Pork Chop!
You must choose, Sheriff Woody.
How shall she die?
Shark, or death by monkeys?
I choose Buzz Lightyear!
What? That's not a choice!
To infinity and beyond!
I'll save you, Miss Peep.
My hero.
Thanks, Buzz.
No problem, buddy.
You should never tangle with the unstoppable duo of Woody and Buzz Lightyear!
Oh, no.
Andy, let's go!
Molly's already in her car seat.
But, Mom, Woody's arm wrecked.
Oh, no.
Maybe we can fix him on the way.
No, just leave him.
I'm sorry, honey, but you know toys don't last forever.
What happened?
Woody's been shelved.
Woody? Honey, are you okay?
Ride'em, cowboy!
He's back? Hey, everybody! Andy's back!
He's back early from cowboy camp!
Places, everybody! Andy's coming!
Hey, Woody!
Did you miss me?
Giddyap, giddyap, giddyap.
Ride'em, cowboy!
Ohh. I forgot.
You're broken.
I don't wanna play with you anymore.
No, Andy!
No. No, Andy! No!
Andy. Andy.
Bye, Woody.
No! No! Andy!
Wheezy, is that you?
Hey, Woody.
What are you doing up here?
I thought Mom took you to get your squeaker fixed months ago.
Andy was so upset.
Nah. She just told him that to calm him down...and then put me on the shelf.
Why didn't you yell for help?
Well, I tried squeakin'.
But I'm still broken.
No one could hear me.
Besides, the dust aggravates my condition.
What's the point in prolonging the inevitable?
We're all just one stitch away from here to there.
Yard sale? Yard sale!
Yard sale! Guys, wake up, wake up!
There's a yard sale outside!
Yard sale?
Sarge, emergency roll call!
Sir, yes, sir!
Red alert!
All civilians fall in position now!
Single file! Let's move, move, move!
Hamm? Potato Head, Mr. and Mrs.?
Troikas. Check, check, check, check, check.
I hate yard sales!
Someone's coming!
Okay. Let's see what's up here.
Bye, Woody.
Wheezy! Think, think, Woody.
Hey, it's not suicide.
It's a rescue.
Good boy, Buster. Hold still.
There. There you go, pal.
Bless you, Woody.
All right, now.
Back to Andy's room. Hyah!
Way to go, cowboy.
Golly bob howdy!
Woody, I'm slipping!
Mommy.. Mommy, look! Look at this!
Mommy, look! It's a cowboy dolly!
Hey, that's not her toy!
What's that little gal think she's doin'?
Mommy, Mommy, can we get it?
Please? Mommy, please?
Oh, honey.
You don't want that toy.
It's broken.
There's a snake in my boot.
Original hand-painted face.
Natural-dye, blanket-stitched vest!
Little rip. Fixable. Oh, if only you had your hand-stitched, polyvinyl..
A hat!
I found him! I found him! I found him!
Buster! Quiet down!
Excuse me. Can I help you?
Yes. You can help take his paws off my pal.
I'll give you, uh, Oh, now, how did this get down here?
Hand her the sheriff.
Nice and easy.
Five dollars.
I'm sorry. It's an old family toy.
Now just walk away. The other way.
I'll give you 50 bucks for it.
Fifty bucks ain't bad.
It's not for sale.
Where's the red jacket?
Why would someone steal Woody?
All right.
Let's review this one more time.
At precisely 8:32-ish, Exhibit "A," Woody, was kidnapped.
Exhibit " B," a composite sketch of the kidnapper.
He didn't have a beard like that.
Fine. Etch, give him a shave.
The kidnapper was bigger than that.
Oh, picky, picky, picky.
Let's just go straight to Exhibit " F."
The kidnapper's vehicle.
Now, the vehicle fled the scene in this direction.
Your eyes are in backwards.
It went the other way.
Hey. Put a cork in it.
How do you spell " F.B.I."?
My crime scene!
Oh, why don't you watch where you're going, "Godspilla"?
I didn't know there was a crime scene.
Excuse me. Excuse me.
A little quiet, please. Thank you.
Lazy toy brain.
Lousy try, Brian.
What are you doing, Buzz?
It's some sort of message encoded on that vehicle's I.D. tag.
Liz try bran.
It's just a license plate.
It's just a jumble of letters.
Yeah, and there are about in the tri-county area alone.
Lou's thigh burn.
Oh, this can't help.
Let's leave Buzz to play with his toys.
Toy. Toy. Toy.
Hold on!
Al's Toy Barn.
Al's Toy Barn!
Etch, draw that man in a chicken suit.
It's the chicken man!
That's our guy.
I knew there was something
I didn't like about that chicken.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'll be right there.
And we're gonna do this commercial in one take, do you hear me, because I am in the middle of something really important.
You, my little cowboy friend, are gonna make me big buck-buck-bucks.
I can't believe I have to drive all the way to work on a Saturday.
All the way to work!
What? Whoa!
Hey! Stop! Horsey, stop!
Stop! Sit, boy!
Stop it!
Sit, I said!
Whoa! Whoa.
It's you! It's you!
It's you! It's you! It's you!
It's really you!
What's me?
There's a snake in my boot.
Ha! It is you!
Please stop saying that.
Prospector said someday you'd come.
Sweet mother of Abraham Lincoln!
The Prospector!
He'll wanna meetya!
Say "hello" to the Prospector!
It.. It's a box.
He's mint in the box.
Never been opened.
Turn me around, Bullseye, so I can see.
Why, the prodigal son has returned.
It's you! It's you!
You're here! It's you!
It's you! It's you!
Okay. I'm officially freaked-out now.
Oh, we've waited countless years for this day.
It's good to see you, Woody.
Listen. I don't know wh..
~Meet the old Prospector~
 Has anyone seen my pick?
~And the man himself Of course, it's time for Sheriff Woody~
~ He's the very best He's the rootin'-est tootin'-est cowboy~
~ In the wild, wild west ~
~ Woody's Roundup~~
I can't find it! It doesn't seem to be on any of these stations.
Keep looking.
You're going too slow.
Let me take the wheel.
It's too fast.
How can you even tell what's on?
I can tell.
Stop! Back, back, back!
Too late. I'm in the 40s.
Got to go 'round the horn. It's faster.
Back, back! Stop!
And look for the giant chicken!
Now, Etch!
That's where I need to go.
You can't go, Buzz.
You'll never make it there.
Woody once risked his life to save me.
I couldn't call myself his friend if I weren't willing to do the same.
So who's with me?
I'm packing you an extra pair of shoes and your angry eyes just in case.
This is for Woody when you find him.
All right, but I don't think it'll mean the same coming from me.
Mr. Buzz Lightyear, you just gotta save my pal Woody.
I'll do my best, son.
Okay, fellas.
Let's roll.
You'd think with
all my video game experience, I'd be feeling more prepared.
The idea is to let go.
We'll be back before Andy gets home.
Don't talk to any toy you don't know!
To Al's Toy Barn and beyond!
They don't call this the old abandoned mine for nothin', Prospector.
I reckon we oughta get outta here.
Where's my gold?
Hold on. I'll light me a candle.
Where's my gold?
Hold on. I'll light me a candle.
This sure is a fast-burnin' wick.
Blast us to smithereens!
That there's dynamite!
Holy tarnation.
I'll call for help.
~Yodel-ay-hee-hoo ~
Come on! Let's see the next episode!
That's it.
The show was canceled after that.
Wait. What about the gold mine and the cute little critters and the dynamite?
That was a great show!
I mean, why cancel it?
Two words: Sput-nik.
Once the astronauts went up, children only wanted to play with space toys.
I know how that feels.
But still, my own show.
I mean, look at all this stuff!.
Didn't you know?
Why, you're valuable property!
I wish the guys could see this.
Hey-howdy-hey. That's me.
I'm on a yo-yo.
Oh, hey. Nice teeth.
And yet, still a good-lookin' guy.
Oh, it's a bank! Cool.
Wh-What do you do?
You push the hat, and out co..
Oh, out come bubbles. Clever.
Oh, wow. Hey, what's this thing do?
I get it.
"There's a snake in my boot."
Oh, hey, Bullseye.
Go long! Go long! Whoo!
A record player!
I haven't seen one of these in ages.
Okay, now. Slow.
Oh, that's funny, Bullseye.
Hop on, cowgirl! Think fast!
Not bad.
~It's time for Woody's Roundup~
~He's the very best~
~He's the rootin'-est tootin'-est cowboy..~~
Look at us!
We're a complete set!
Now it's on to the museum.
What museum?
The museum.
We're being sold to the Konishi Toy Museum in Tokyo.
That's in Japan!
Japan? No, no, no, no, no.
I can't go to Japan.
What do you mean?
I got to get back home to my owner, Andy. Hey, look, look. See?
He still has an owner.
Oh, my goodness.
No. Can't go.
I can't do storage again. I just can't!
Jessie. Jessie.
I won't go back in the dark!
What's the matter?
What's wrong with her?
Well, we've been in storage for a long time waiting for you.
Why me?
The museum's only interested in the collection...if you're in it, Woody.
Without you, we go back into storage.
It's that simple.
It's not fair!
How can you do this to us?
Hey, look. I'm sorry, but this is all a big mistake.
You see, I was in this yard sale..
Yard sale?
Why were you in a yard sale if you have an owner?
Well, I wasn't supposed to be there.
I was trying to save another toy when..
Was it because you're damaged?
Hmm? Did this Andy break you?
Yeah, but.. No, no, no, no, no!
It was.. It was an accident.
I mean..
Sounds like he really loves you.
It's not like that, okay?
And I'm not going to any museum!
Well, I'm not going back into storage!
Al's coming!
Go! Go on, Jessie. Jessie, look at me.
Oh, oh, oh.
I promise you'll come out of the box.
Now go! Go!
It's show time!
Oh, money, baby.
Money, money, money.
And now, the main attraction.
No! His arm! Where's his arm?
Oh... no. No, no, no, no!
What am I gonna do?
I know. I know.
Come on! Come on!
Come on! Pick up the phone!
It's me. It's Al.
I got an emergency here.
Well, I'm busy.
Yes, we're all busy.
Look. It has to be tonight.
All right. All right.
But first thing in the morning.
It's gone!
I can't believe it!
My arm is completely gone!
All right. Come here. Let me see that.
Oh, it's just a popped seam, easily repaired.
You should consider yourself lucky.
Are you shrink-wrapped?
We have a friend in need, and we will
not rest until he's safe in Andy's room!
Now let's move out!
And that concludes our broadcast day.
Bullseye. Bullseye, go, go, go, go.
Oh, tsk. Come on. You don't wanna help me. I'm the bad guy.
You're gonna go back in storage because of me, remember? Just go.
All right. All right.
But you have got to keep quiet. Come on.
Over here. Attaboy.
Okay, Bullseye. Upsy-daisy.
Psst. Bullseye. Cut it out.
Stop it. Psst.
Stop it, Bullseye. Stop it. Stop it.
Stop it.
~ Woody's Roundup Come on, it's time to play~
No, Officer! I swear.
Uh.. Oh.
Get in there.
There you go. Cheap case.
Where is the remote?
Where is the remote?
Why don't I put it in the same place
every ti.. Oh, here it is .
What is your problem? Look, I'm sorry I can't help you guys out.
Really, I am. But you didn't have to go and pull a stunt like that.
What? You think I did that?
Oh, right, right.
The TV just happened to turn on, and the remote magically ended up
in front of you!
You calling me a liar?
Well, if the boot fits..Say that again.
If the boot fits.
Okay, cowboy.
How do you like that?
Take it back! Take it back!
Don't think just 'cause you're a girl, I'm gonna take it easy on you.
Jessie, Woody, you stop this at once.
I don't know how that television turned on, but fighting about it isn't helping anything.
If I had both my arms..
The fact is, you don't, Woody, so I suggest you just wait until morning.
The cleaner will come, fix your arm..
And then I'm outta here!
Oh, no, no.
Bullseye, don't take it that way.
It's just that Andy..Andy, Andy, Andy.
That's all he ever talks about.
Hey, Buzz, can we slow down?
May I remind you that some of us are carrying over six dollars in change?
Losing health units.
Must rest.
Is everyone present and accounted for?
Not quite everyone.
Who's behind?
Hey, guys.
Why do the toys cross the road?
Not now, Hamm.
Oh, I love riddles. Why?
To get to the chicken on the other side!
The chicken!
Oh, well. We tried.
We'll have to cross.
What the.. You're not turning me into a mashed potato.
I may not be a smart dog, but I know what road kill is.
There must be a safe way.
Here's our chance. Ready. Set. Go.
Drop! I said "drop"!
That went well.
Good job, troops.
We're that much closer to Woody.
Oh, thank goodness you're here.
Is the specimen ready for cleaning?
So, uh, how long is this gonna take?
You can't rush art.
Oh, no. It's closed.
We're not preschool toys, Slinky.
We can read.
Hey, Joe, you're late.
We've got a ton of toys to unloading the back.
All right. All right.
I'm comin'. I'm comin'.
All right. Let's go.
But the sign says it's closed.
No, no, no, no. All together. Now!
Whoa, Nelly! How are we going to find Woody in this place?
Look for Al. We find Al, we find Woody. Now move out!
There you go.
He's for display only.
You handle him too much, he's not gonna last.
It's amazing. You're a genius.
He's just like new.
I could use one of those.
You know, they make it so you can't defeat Zurg unless you buy this book.
It's extortion.
That's what it is.
Hey, I always thought the golden sector was the only..
I thought we could search in style.
Nice going there, Hamm. So how about letting a toy with fingers drive?
Am I really that fat?
What are you doing?
You're breakin' ranks, ranger.
Buzz Lightyear to Star Command.
I've got an AWOL space ranger.
Tell me I wasn't this deluded.
No back talk!
I have a laser, and I will use it.
You mean the laser that's a light bulb?
Has your mind been melded?
You could've killed me, space ranger.
Or should I say "traitor"?
I don't have time for this.
I order you to halt!
Listen to me.
Listen. Wait.
We've been down this aisle already.
We've never been down this aisle.
It's pink.
Face it. We're lost.
Back it up. Back it up.
What a great party!
How low can you go?
How low can you go?
Excuse me, ladies. Does anyone know where we might find the Al of Al's Toy Barn?
I can help.
I'm Tour Guide Barbie.
Please keep your hands, arms and accessories inside the car, and no flash photography.
Thank you.
I'm a married spud. I'm a married spud.
I'm a married spud.
You're a toy.
We're all toys. Do you hear me?
Well, that should hold you till the court martial.
Let me go!
You don't realize what you're doing!
And this is the Buzz Lightyear aisle.
Back in 1 995, shortsighted retailers did not order enough dolls to meet demand.
Hey, Buzz!
Halt! Who goes there?
Quit clownin' around and get in the car!
Buzz, Buzz, I know how to defeat Zurg!
You do?
Come on. I'll tell you on the way.
No, no, guys! You've got the wrong Buzz!
You've got the wrong Buzz!
Say, where'd you get the cool belt, Buzz?
Well, slotted pig, they're standard issue.
It's like printing my own money.
Yeah? What?
Oh, oh. Mr. Konishi.
Yes, uh, I have the pictures right here.
In fact, I'm in the car right now on my way to the office to fax them to you.
I'm going through a tunnel!
I'm breakin' up!
Oh, wow! Will you look at me?
It's like I'm fresh out of the box!
Look at this stitching! Andy's gonna have a hard time rippin' this! Hello!
H-Hi! Hello!
Great. Now you can go.
Well, what a good idea.
Woody, don't be mad at Jessie.
She's been through more than you know. Why not make amends before you leave, huh?
It's the least you can do.
All right.
But I don't know what good it'll do.
Hey. Whatcha doin' way up here?
Thought I'd get one last look at the sun before I get packed away again.
Look, Jessie.
I know you hate me for leaving, but I have to go back.
I'm still Andy's toy.
Well, if you knew him, you'd understand.
was just the same.
She was my whole world.
~ When somebody loved me~
~Everything was beautiful~
~Every hour we spent together~
~Lives within my heart~
~And when she was sad~
~I was there to dry her tears~
~And when she was happy so was I~
~ When she loved me~
~ Through the summer and the fall~
~ We had each other That was all~
~Just she and I together~
~Like it was meant to be~
~And when she was lonely~
~I was there to comfort her~
~And I knew that~
~She loved me~
~So the years went by~
~I stayed the same~
~But she began to drift away~
~I was left alone~
~Still I waited for the day~
~ When she'd say~
~I will always love you~
~Lonely and forgotten~
~I never thought she'd look my way~
~She smiled at me and held me~
~Just like she used to do~
~Like she loved me~
~ When she loved me~
~ When somebody loved me~
~Everything was beautiful~
~Every hour we spent together~
~Lives within my heart~
~ When she loved me~~
You never forget kids like Emily or Andy.
But they forget you.
Jessie, I..I didn't know.
Just go.
How long will it last, Woody?
Do you really think...How long will it last, Woody?
Do you really think...
Andy is gonna take you to college or on his honeymoon?
Andy's growing up, and there's nothing you can do about it.
It's your choice, Woody.
You can go back, or you can stay with us and last forever.
You'll be adored by children for generations.
Who am I to break up the Roundup gang?
Hey, Woody, are you in here?
Nah. This one's empty too.
Woody! Woody!
Pardon me, gentlemen, but have either of you seen a cowboy doll with a bad arm?
Why, no, I haven't.
Hey! He was talkin' to me!
. Wait.
That's a lot of numbers. No. I got it.
It's him.
The chicken man.
Funny, he doesn't look like poultry.
That's the kidnapper, all right.
A kidnapper!
An agent of Zurg if I ever saw one.
And the pice de rsistance!
I promise the collection will be the crown jewel of your museum.
It's Woody!
Now that I have your attention, imagine we added another zero to the price, huh?
I'll pay anything you want.
Yes! Yes!
You got a deal!
I'll be on the next flight to Japan!
Into the poultry man's cargo unit.
He'll lead us to Zurg.
Move, move, move!
Don't touch my moustache!
Rich, rich, rich, rich!
Destroy Buzz Lightyear.
Destroy Buzz Lightyear.
Destroy Buzz Lightyear.
Ha! He didn't take the bag!
No time to lose!
Ha! He didn't take the bag!
No time to lose!
He's ascending in the vertical transporter.
All right, everyone. Hang on.
We're gonna blast through the roof.
Uh, Buzz?
To infinity and beyond!
What are you? Insane? We're wasting time. Stand still, Godzilla.
I don't understand.
Somehow, my fuel cells have gone dry.
Blast. He's on level 23.
How are we gonna get up there?
Maybe if we find some balloons, we could float to the top.
Are you kidding?
I say we stack ourselves up, push the intercom and pretend we're delivering a pizza.
How about a ham sandwich...with fries and a hot dog?
What about me?
You can be the toy that comes with the meal.
Troops! Overhere.
Just like you said, lizard man.
"In the shadows to the left."
Okay. Let's move!
Mission log. Have infiltrated enemy territory without detection...
and are making our way through the bowels of Zurg's fortress.
You know, I think that Buzz aisle went to his head.
Uh, Buzz, why not just take the elevator?
They'll be expecting that.
Hey, Buzz! Stop!
To overnight six packages to Japan is how much?
What? That's in yen, right?
You are deliberately taking advantage...of people in a hurry, you know that?
All right.
I'll do it! All right. Fine.
I'll have the stuff waiting in the lobby, and you'd better be here in 1 5 minutes, because I have a plane to catch, do you hear me?
We're finally going.
Can you believe it?
That's custom-fitted foam insulation you'll be riding in, Bullseye.
First class all the way!
You know what?
I'm actually excited about this.
I mean it.
I really am!
And why shouldn't you be?
 ~ Swing your partner do-si-do ~
Look at you, dancing cowboy!
Look! I'm doin' the box step!
Uh-oh. Hey, heads up down there!
Whoa! Pork bellies are fallin'.
Hey, how much farther, Buzz?
Halfway there.
My arms can't hold on much longer!
Too... heavy.
Oh! What was I thinking?
My antigravity servos!
Hang tight, everyone.
I'm going to let go of the wall.
He wouldn't.
One.. He would.
Two.. Three!
To infinity and beyond!
Approaching destination.
Reengaging gravity.
Area secure. It's okay, troops.
The antigravity sickness will wear off momentarily. Now let's move!
Remind me to glue his helmet shut when we get back.
How 'bout givin' me a little intro there, Jessie?
Introducing the high-ridin'-est cowboy around..
You forgot "rootin'-tootin'-est"!
The high-ridin'-est, rootin'-tootin'-est cowboy hero of all time, Sheriff Woody!
Say, little missy, you notice any trouble around these parts?
Nary a bit, not with Sheriff Woody around.
Wait-wait-wait-wait-wait! I got it!
I got it! This is great! Okay!
The bandits got the critters tied up in the burning barn, and now for the best part!
Help us!
What's going on?
Take that!
To the left. No, your left.
Take it up higher.
What's happening?
Oh, it-it's horrible.
They-they're torturing him.
What are we gonna do, Buzz?
Use your head!
But I don't wanna use my head!
What's going on here?
Buzz, guys!
Hey, how did you find me?
Watch yourself!.
We're here to spring ya, Woody!
You heard of kung fu?
Well, get ready for pork chop.
Prepare to meet Mr. Angry Eyes!
Hold it, now! Hey, you don't understand!
These are my friends!
Yeah, we're his friends!
No, Rex, I mean they're my friends!
Hey, stop it!
Leave him alone, springy dog! Hey!
Grab Woody, and let's go!
Fellas, hold it! Buzz, put me down!
Quick! To the vent!
 They're stealing him.
Hold it right there!
You again?
Woody! Thank goodness you're all right.
Buzz, what is going on?
Hold on. I am Buzz Lightyear, and I'm in charge of this detachment.
No, I'm Buzz Lightyear.
I'm Buzz Lightyear!
I am Buzz Lightyear!
So, who's the real Buzz?
I am!
I am! Don't let this impostor fool you!
He's been trained by Zurg himself to mimic my every move.
I had a feelin' it was you, Buzz. My front end just had
to catch up with my back end.
Will somebody please explain what's going on?
It's all right, space ranger.
It's a code 546.
You mean it's a..
And he's a..
Oh, yeah.
Your Majesty.
Woody, you're in danger here.
We need to leave now.
Al's selling you to a museum.. in Japan!
I know. It's okay, Buzz.
I actually wanna go.
Are you crazy?
Look, the thing is, I'm a rare Sheriff Woody doll, and these guys are my Roundup gang.
What are you talking about?
What am I talking about?
Woody's Roundup !
What are you talking about?
What am I talking about?
Woody's Roundup !
Oh, it's this great old TV show, and I was the star. See? Now look.
Look! Look at me!
See? That's me!
This is weirdin' me out.
Buzz, it was a national phenomenon.
There was all this merchandise that just got packed up.
Oh, you should have seen it.
There was a record player and a yo-yo..
Buzz, I was a yo-yo!
Woody, stop this nonsense and let's go.
Nah, Buzz.
I can't go.
I can't abandon these guys.
They need me to get into this museum.
Without me, they'll go back into storage-- maybe forever!
Woody, you're not a collector's item.
You're a child's plaything.
You are a toy!
For how much longer?
One more rip, and Andy's done with me.
And what do I do then, Buzz?
Huh? You tell me.
Somewhere in that pad of stuffing is a toy who taught me...that life's only worth living if you're bein' loved by a kid.
And I traveled all this way to rescue that toy...because I believed him.
Well, you wasted your time.
Let's go, everyone.
What about Woody?
He's not coming with us.
But-But Andy's coming home tonight.
Then we'd better make sure we're there waiting for him.
I don't have a choice, Buzz.
This is my only chance.
To do what, Woody?
Watch kids from behind glass and never be loved again?
Some life.
Is everybody okay?
Sheriff Woody!
I knew you'd make it!
Now, remember, deputies, the real treasures are your friends and family.
Before I go, kids, I want to share somethin' special with you, for the times I'm not around.
Good going, Woody!
I thought they'd never leave.
~ You've got a friend in me~
~You've got a friend in me ~
~ You've got troubles~
~Well, I've gate's too ~
~There isn't anything I wouldn't do ~
~ We stick together and see it through 'cause~
~ You got a friend in me~
~ Some other folks might be a little bit smarter than I am ~
~Bigger and stronger too~
~ But none of them will ever love you ~
~ The way I do It's me and you, boy~
~And as the years goby~
~ Our friendship will never die~
What am I doing?
~ You're gonna see it's our destiny~~
Buzz! Wait! Wait!
Woody, where are you going?
You're right, Prospector.
I can't stop Andy growing up.
But I wouldn't miss it for the world.
Wouldn't you give anything just to have one more day with Emily?
Come on, Jessie. This is what it's all about to make a child happy.
And you know it.
Bullseye, are you with me?
Okay, good boy.
Prospector, how 'bout you?
You're outta your box!
I tried reasoning with you, Woody, but you keep forcing me to take extreme measures.
Wait a minute. You turned on the TV last night, not Jessie.
Look, we have an eternity to spend together in the museum.
Let's not start off by pointing fingers, shall we?
You really are Stinky Pete, aren't you?
Prospector, this isn't fair.
" Fair"? I'll tell you what's not fair: spending a lifetime on a dime-store
shelf watching every other toy be sold.
Well, finally my waiting has paid off, and no hand-me-down cowboy doll is gonna mess it up for me now!
Buzz. Help, Buzz! Guys!
It's too late, Woody. That silly Buzz Lightweight can't help you.
His name is Buzz Lightyear.
Whatever. I've always hated those upstart space toys.
It's stuck! What do we do?
Should I use my head?
It's Al!
Look at the time.
I'm gonna be late!
But Buzz is in peril!
Buzz.. Buzz..
Buzz.. Lightyear to the rescue!
Surrender, Buzz Lightyear.
I have won.
I'll never give in.
You killed my father!
No, Buzz.
I am your father.
Come on! Come on! Come on!
Buzz, you could have defeated Zurg all along!
You just need to believe in yourself!.
Prepare to die!
I can't look!
I did it.
I finally defeated Zurg!
Ah, finally!
How are we gonna get him now?
Pizza, anyone?
Go, go, go!
I got it!
Buzz, are you coming?
No, I have a lot of catching up to do with my dad.
Good throw, son.
That's my boy. Go long, Buzzy!
Oh, you're a great dad. Yippee!
Does anyone know how to drive?
Slink, take the pedals.
He's turning left!
Oh, oh, boy!
Oh, I seriously doubt he's gettin' this kind of mileage.
Go right! To the right!
You have saved our lives.
We are eternally grateful.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever.
The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading..No parking.
Guys, we can't park here!
It's a white zone!
You have saved our lives.
We are eternally grateful.
Final boarding call for Far East Airlines...
There he is!
Flight451 to Tokyo, all confirmed passengers must board at this time.
Passenger Twitch, passenger Leon Twitch, please pick up..
You have saved our lives.
We are eternally grateful.
Will you just leave me alone?
Oh! Someone's coming!
Ooh, a puppy!
Uh, bark-bark-bark-bark.
Listen, flyboy. The contents of that case are worth more than you make in a year!
You got that, sport! You be careful!
I understand, sir.
Do you have a "fragile " sticker or something?
Don't worry, sir.
I had a box of cookies once that came back as crumbs!
The Mystic Portal!
Once we go through, we just need to find that case.
Ow! There's the case!
No, there's the case!
You take that one!
We'll take this one!
Whoa-oa! Buzz!
Buzz, my back end's goin' to Baton Rouge!
Here we come, Woody!
Woody, here we come! Woody!
Nice flash though.
Okay, Woody, let's go!
Take that, space toy.
Hey! No one does that to my friend!
Your choice, Woody.
You can go to Japan together or in pieces.
If he fixed ya once, he can fixya again. Now get in the box!
No! Aaah!
Children destroy toys!
You'll all be ruined, forgotten!
Spending eternity rotting in some landfill!
Well, Stinky Pete, I think it's time you learned the true meaning of playtime.
Right over there, guys!
No. No! No!
Atlantic Air flight eight...is now arriving..
Look, Barbie.
A big ugly man doll.
Ooh, he needs a makeover.
Hi! You'll like Amy.
She's an artist!
Come on, hon!
Happy trails, Prospector.
Buzz! Woody!
Help us out here!
Oh, no. Jessie! Come on!
Oh, Woody!
Come on, Buzz.
Ride like the wind, Bullseye!
Come on, Bullseye! Yah!
Buzz, give me a boost!
Oh! Ohh! Oohhh!
Here's the rest!
Excuse me, ma'am, but I believe you're on the wrong flight.
Come on, Jess.
It's time to take you home.
But... what if Andy doesn't like me?
Andy'll love you! Besides, he's got a little sister.
Buzz! Buzz, get behind the tires!
Jessie, let go of the plane!
What? Are you crazy?
ust pretend it's the final episode of Woody's Roundup.
But it was canceled!
We never saw if you made it!
Well, then, let's find out together!
We did it! We did it! We did it!
Nice ropin', cowboy.
That was definitely
Woody's finest hour!
Your hat, partner.
Let's... go home.
Hey, Woody! Woody?
Oh, wow! New toys!
Cool! Thanks, Mom!
It's Bazooka Jane and her jet-propelled horse
Woody, Buzz, that polecat Zurg
has stolen my space cows!
Andy, come on, hon.
Time to go.
Hey, you fixed Woody!
Glad I decided not to take him to camp.
His whole arm might have come off.
Well, what do you know?
Yee-hah! Oh, Bullseye, we're part of a family again!
Uh, m-ma'am, I, uh..
Well, I just wanted to say you're a bright young woman with a beautiful "yarnful" of hair.
Uh, "hairful" of yarn.
It's, uh.. Whoo?Uh..
I must go.
Well, aren't you the sweetest space toy I ever met?
What's that? Bark-bark?
This fella says he needs to go out for a little private time.
That critter needs help!
~Yodel-ay-hee-hoo ~
Ooh, ooh, oh.. Hey, Rex, I could use a hand over here, buddy.
I don't need to play.. I've lived it!
No-no-no-no! Oh, nuts!
Welcome to Al's Toy Barn.
We've got the lowest prices in town.
Everything for a buck-buck-buck.
Well, I guess crime doesn't pay.
Oh, Andy did a great job, huh?
Nice and strong!
I like it. Makes you look... tough.
You have saved our lives.
I feel a song comin' on.
~You've got a friend in me ~
~You've got a friend in me ~
~You just remember what your old pal said ~
~Babe, you've got a friend in me~
~ Yeah, you've got a friend in me~
Come on over.
Oh, you are such a big girl.
Andy, you think she's ready
to drive the car yet?
Yeah, and I can teach her.

-------------------------이하 생략---------------------


The End



영어대본 첨부파일(대본비밀번호 : 1995a)




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