티스토리 뷰

* 기초 영어문법(Grammar)을 가볍게 익혀봅시다.


{1} 관사

(1) 부정관사 a, an

I have an umbrella.

He's an honest man.

뒤따르는 단어의 철자가 아닌 발음이 모음이어야.

1. 하나의 I have a wife.

2. 대표단수 A dog(The dog, Dogs) is faithful animal.

3. -마다, -에 = per I take a shower three times a day.

4. 같은 = the same She and I are of an age.

5. -이라는 사람 A Miss Lee came to see you.


(2) 정관사

1. 앞에 나온 말을 이어받을 때 There is a beautiful girl in the store. 2. ‘그’ 라는 말만 붙이면 상대가 알 수 있을 때 Open the window.

3. 고유명사 취급을 받지 못하는 것들 the earth, the world, the sun, the moon, the sea, the sky, the equator The sun rises in the east.

4. 관용적인 것 the most, the only, the very, the same, the last He's the very man I've been looking for. The last thing you have to do is (to) tell a lie.

5. 고유명사엔 관사를 붙이지 않는 것을 원칙

- 역, 항구, 호수, 다리, 공항, 공원  ->  관사 ×

- 산맥, 강, 바다, 배, 군도, 연방정부, 공공건물, 신문·잡지이름 -> 관사 

the Han River the Pacific Ocean the Times

6. 형용사 앞에 붙는 관사 the rich = rich people
the poor = poor people the injured = injured people The rich are not always happy.

7. by the pound by the + 단위를 나타내는 명사(hour, dozen, pound)

8. 그녀가 나의 머리를 쳤어. She hit me on the head. 사람에 의미 She hit my head. 머리에 의미

9. 회화에서의 the in the morning, in the sun, in the wrong, in the right Adam was in the wrong. Eve was in the right?

10. 관사 생략

① 호격 Doc, I have a fever.

② 가족관계 Mother loves snakes.

③ 관직, 신분을 나타내는 말  ☞  칭호, 동격, 보어 President Kim Kim, YoungSam, President of Korea. Kim, YoungSam was elected President of Korea.

④ 건물이나 시설 따위가 원래의 목적을 나타낼 때 go to church  

 -> go to the church go to school 다른 볼일  go to the school go to bed go to the bed

⑤ 식사, 스포츠, 학과이름

I had lunch.

※ 악기 이름 앞에는 the My wife is playing the piano.

관사 없이 쓰여 다른 뜻을 나타냄.

They are at table. 식사 중

They are at sea. 항해 중

⑥ a(an)나 the와 동거하지 않는 관용표현들 by bus, by boat, by ship, by taxi, by airplane, by train, on foot, by phone, by mail

⑦ 밀접한 관계를 갖는 두개의 명사

mom and dad / day and night / day by day / side by side /  step by step

(3) 풍수지리

① 다재다능한 인물

He met a doctor and patient.

He met a doctor and a patient.

② such, quite, so

She's such a wonderful girl.

She's quite a wonderful girl.

She's so wonderful a girl.

소혁명 = so +형 +(관사) + 명

③ all, both, half + the(소유격) + 명사

All the workers in our department are busy.

Both the workers in our department are busy.

Half the workers in our department are busy.

I waited for her half an hour.

④ as, too +형, 부 -> as, too + 형 + 관 +명 뒤에 명사가 붙으면 She's not as pretty a girl as my wife.

She's too good a girl to lose.


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