티스토리 뷰
톰크루즈 주연의 미션 임파서블2 영어대본을 공유합니다.(Mission: Impossible2-2000)
CandyCandy 2018. 8. 4. 19:20첩보시리즈물인 미션임파서블 1편에 이어서 2편의 영어대본도 마무리 하였습니다.
1편에 이어 2편도 톰크루즈(Tom Cruise)가 주연을 맡아 4년여만에 나왔네요.
보통 시리즈물로 계속 갈수 있을지 없을지는 대부분 2편에 의해서 갈리는듯한데요.
감독은 중국계 오우삼(John Woo)감독입니다.
영화 페이스 오프(FACE/OFF-1997)의 감독으로 더 잘 알려져 있죠.
저는 2편도 재미있게 봤었는데요.
심장 쫄깃하게 하는 암벽씬이 기억에 남고..
근데 2편은 살짝 호불호가 갈리는듯해요.
물론 저는 톰오빠를 너무 좋아라하는 지라 다 재미있고 거의 톰이 출연한 영화는 꼭꼭 챙겨보았답니다.
앞으로도 쭉우욱..
영어대본공유합니다. 댓글로 e메일 달아주세요.
(대본잠김-티스토리계정이 있면 댓글만 달아도 됨.)
영어공부하기 편하게 깔끔하고 페이지수를 줄여서 만들었습니다.
Mission: Impossible II (영)
Well, Dimitri, every search for a hero must begin with something that every hero requires...a villain.
Therefore, in the search for our hero, Bellerophon, we created a monster... Chimera.
I beg you, Dimitri, come to Sydney and accompany me to Atlanta. Immediately.
However we travel, I must arrive at my destination within 20 hours of departure.
We're two and a half hours from Atlanta.
Right now, we have a great view of the Rocky Mountains.
You stare at that watch as if your life depended on it, Doctor.
Yes, I suppose I'm a bit anxious.
You'll soon be with old friends.
I'm with an old friend now, Dimitri.
I'm sorry it couldn't be under happier circumstances.
I'm sorry, too.
You are sorry and I'm sorry.
You don't know Gradski thought the world of you.
Did he... know... before the end that you two had succeeded?
Yes, he knew. Just.
Not in time to save him?
After you've been infected with Chimera for 20 hours, nothing can save you.
Not even Bellerophon.
You can carry them together?
And you'll get us to a safe place in Atlanta, thank God.
This is your Captain again.
We've experienced a slight but abrupt drop in cabin pressure.
As a precaution, I've released the oxygen masks.
Put them on, relax, there's nothing to worry about.
Are you concerned?
Not so far.
Put on your oxygen mask, I'll see what's going on.
Denver Centre, this is Trans-Pac 2207, 747 heavy.
We're unable to maintain cabin pressurisation.
영어대본 첨부파일(비밀번호 : 5113a)
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