티스토리 뷰

{10} 명사


(1) 명사의 종류
1. 보통명사
I'm a man.
She's expecting a baby.
I laid an egg.
* the +보통명사 = 추상명사
① the heart 애정
My daughter is lack of the heart.
② the cradle 유아기
From the cradle to the grave.
③ the beggar 거지근성
When one is poor, the beggar will come out.
④ the pen 문
⑤ the sword 무

The pen is mightier than the sword.
2. 집합명사와 군집명사
Her family is large.
Her family are all fine.
There are three families in the house.
① people
민족 (단수의미)
There are many people in Seoul.
There are many peoples in Seoul.
② police
policeman policemen
policewoman policewomen
police officer police officers
Several police are patrolling neighborhood.
Who has a pull with the police?
pull = string = connection
police = cop = fuzz
③ cattle
Cattle are grazing in the meadow.
3. 물질명사
① a school of fish 물고기떼
There are two fish.

There are two fishes.
deer, sheep
② a cake of soap 비누 한 장
③ a piece of chalk 분필 한 개
a one-piece dress
a two-piece dress
a cup of tea
a sheet of paper
a pack of cigarettes
a piece of cigarettes
two scoops of strawberry
4. 추상명사
I wish you happiness.
셀 수 없기 때문에 a, an을 거부
some, much, a little을 이용 양을 표현 가능
news, information, advice는 a piece of의 도움으로
a piece of news, a piece of information, a piece of advice로 사용
① 추상명사 +itself = all +추상명사 = very +형용사
My wife is happiness itself.
= My wife is all happiness.
= My wife is very happy.
② of +추상명사 = 형용사구
She is a woman of beauty.
He's a man of wisdom.
5. 고유명사
사람이름, 지명, 월, 직급
Mr. Kim
A Mr. Kim
He's a Kim.
the +고유명사 복수형 -의 일가
The Clintons live right next door to us.


(2) 인간은 셈을 하는 동물
① s, x, ch, sh로 끝나는 말은 es를 붙인다.
② f나 fe로 끝나는 단어는 f를 v로 고치고 es를 붙인다.
wolf -> wolves
wife -> wives
③ 자음 +y는 y를 i로 고치고 es를 붙인다.
lady -> ladies
④ 몇 가지 예외
heroes, potatoes, stomachs, roofs, safes, Marys
⑤ 나머지는 s만 붙이면 OK
2. 농땡이 군단들
① 사람, 여자, 신사, 발, 이빨, 거위, 생쥐
women, gentlemen
oo -> ee
foot -> feet
tooth -> teeth
goose -> geese
② 단수형 = 복수형
Japanese, Chinese, series
fish, trout, salmon, carp, deer, sheep
③ 그 밖에
oasis -> oases
phenomenon -> phenomena.
mouse -> mice
④ 복합어
father-in-law -> fathers-in-law
looker-on -> lookers-on
passer-by -> passers-by
manservant -> menservants
womanwriter -> womenwriters
⑤ 복수가 되었다고 속까지 바뀌는 녀석들
custom -> customs 관세
good -> goods 상품
pain -> pains 노력
sand -> sands 사막

arm -> arms 무기
⑥ 복수 애호가들
scissors, spectacles, trousers, pants, shoes, socks
⑦ 항상 복수형
악수를 하는 일    We shook hands.
서로 친구가 되는 일    We made friends.
차를 갈아타는 일    I charged buses.
I shook his hand.
He's gonna make the bars all night.
⑧ 학문집안 사람들

(3) 소유격
1. 생물인 경우 보통 ‘s를 붙인다.
my girlfriend's bro
a girls' high school
2. 복합어
my mother-in-law's car
3. 무생물인 경우
the legs of the de나
4. 무생물이라도 의인화되면 ‘s를 하사
fortune's smile
the ocean's whisper
5. 소유격 다음에 명사를 생략
my aunt's house -> my aunt's
6. 관사와 지시대명사는 소유격과 친하지 않다?
my a friend × -> a friend of mine
my wife's a brother × -> a brother if my wife's
my brother's this computer × -> this computer
of my brother's
7. 무게, 시간, 거리, 가격은 's
a pound's weight
today's paper
a mile's distance
one dollar's worth

(4) 명사의 성
male, female
cock, hen
hero, heroine
host, hostess
heir, heiress
lion, lioness
prince, princess
actor, actress
god, godness


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