티스토리 뷰


* 기초 영어문법을 공부해봅시다.


{4}능동태와 수동태

(1) 능동태 수동태

I die. -> I'm killed.

He kissed her. -> She was kissed by him.


1. 진행형 수동태

There were building the house.

-> The house was being built by them.

They were repairing the bridge. 

-> The bridge was being repaired by them.

be being P.P 


2. 의문사를 대동한 수동태

Who beat up my boy? 

-> By whom was my boy beaten up? 

-> Who was my boy beaten up by?


3. 목적어가 두개지만 수동태는 하나

I made her a paper plane. 

-> She was made a paper plane by me. ×

-> A paper plane was made (to) her by me.


4. 일반인은 생략

we, you, they, people

They elected ** President. 

-> ** was elected President (by them).


5. 목적어가 명사절

They say that he is a penny pincher.

-> It is said that he is a penny pincher.

-> He is said to be a penny pincher.


6. 합성동사

I took care of my baby at home last Sunday. 

-> My baby was taken care of by me at home last Sunday.

동사(타동사) + (a) + 형용사 + 추상명사 + 전치사

While I was away, she took a good care of my baby.

-> While I was away, a good care was taken of my baby by her.


7. 명령문
Make friends be made.

부정문을 만들 경우 Touch her.

-> Don't let her be touched.

-> Let her not be touched.


(2) by + 목적어가 통용되지 않는 농땡이 군단들

1. know Everybody knows the actor.

-> The actor is known by everybody. ×

-> The actor is known to everybody. 

I know Mr. Clinton is.

I know who Mr. Clinton is.

be known by 판단

A man is known by his friend.


2. snow Snow covers the mountain.

-> The mountain is covered by snow. ×

-> The mountain is covered with me. 


3. of, from Books are made of paper.

Paper is made from wood. of 변하지 않는 그 자체

from -곳에서 다른 곳, 변화


4. 기쁨, 슬픔, 놀람 보통 수동태로 표현, 전치사 at, with 이용

I'm pleased with my new wife.


5. 잡동사니들

be interested in -에 흥미가 있다.

be tired from -로 피곤하다.

be tired of -에 싫증이 나다.

be crowded with -로 붐비다.

be disappointed with -에 실망하다.


(3) 수동태의 필요성

1. 능동태의 주어보다 수동태의 주어를 더 강조할 때

My boy was run over by a car.


2. 행위자를 드러내지 않는게 좋을 때

My watch has been taken away.


3. 문장연결상으로

Mike studied hard and was praised a lot by his parents.


4. 능동태의 주어가 분명치 않을 때

He was killed in the korean War.


5. 능동태의 주어가 일반인을 나타낼 때

Korean is spoken in LA, too.

6. 형태는 수동태, 수동태의 의미가 거의없이 자동사처럼 쓰이는 경우

 I was born in Mars.


7. 피해를 당하는 경우

be injured

be drowned


(4) 주의

1. get, remain He is buried in the National Cemetery.

상태 He got buried in the National Cemetery last year.

동작 He remains buried in the National Cemetery last year.

강한 상태


2. 형식-능동태, 뜻-수동태

This book sells well.

This book reads well.

This onion peels well.


3. have + 목적어 + 과거분사 I had my watch stolen.


4. 수동태 = 능동태

He's to be blamed. = He's to blame.

I have a lot of books to read. 

-> I have a lot of books to be read.

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