티스토리 뷰

이번 청취학습 영화는 줄리아 로버츠(Julia Roberts)의 인생 영화인 프리티 우먼(Pretty Woman 1990)입니다. 

아마 이 영화가 그녀를 당대 최고의 헐리우드 인기스타로 만들어준 영화가 아닐까해요.

특히 남자 주인공인 리차드 기어(Richard Gere)와 호흡을 맞췄는데요.

정말로..제가 좋아하는 헐리우드 남자배우중에 한명이거든요.

내용은 다들 아시다시피 신데렐라 이야기ㅋ..

그래도 좋아요. 이런류의 영화 정말 좋아해요.

남자.여자 배우님들이 미남미녀인 경우는 특히ㅋ..

저도 볼때마다 재미있어요.

그래서 영어청취공부용으로 영어대본을 만들었습니다.   

제가 영어청취공부하기 좋게 깔끔하게 영어대본 만들었습니다.

대본 페이지수를 최대한 적게해서..

언제.. 어디든 가지고 다니면서 영어공부하기 좋더라구요..저는요..

대본 공유합니다. 맨아래에 첨부파일있습니다.

출력해서 공부하면돼요. 최대한 페이지(page)를 줄여서 간편하게 만들어 보았습니다.

(대부분 영화대본은 70~80페이지(page)씩 되더라구요ㄷㄷ) 

대본 필요하신 분은 댓글요청해주세요.

비번으로 잠겨 있어유..

프리티 우먼

* 이때 두분다 정말 젊으셨네요





Pretty Women(영)

No matter what they say, it's all about money.

Imagine that you're a savings and loan officer.

Watch. One, two, three. See?

You've got it all, and we've got nothin'.

You have all four. Take a look.

I wouldn't trust you with gold.

That's why this is only worth a penny.

If you wonder where the other went...watch. A penny from the ear.

How much for the rest? Have you seen Edward?

No. Great party, Philip.

My wife went to a lot of trouble.She called the caterer.

Howard, how are you?

Edward's taking over Morse Industries?

He's not here to get tan.  Can I get in on it?

Yeah. Just call me. When?

Hi. I'm Philip Stuckey, Edward Lewis's lawyer.

Where's the guest of honor?  I don't know.

He's probably in a corner charming a pretty lady. 

How are you?

I told my secretary to make the arrangements. 

Didn't she call you? Yes, she did. 

I speak to your secretary more than I speak to you. 

I see. I have my own life too.

This is a very important week for me.

I need you here. You never give me any notice.

You think I'm at your beck and call.

I do not believe that you are at my beck and call.

That's the way you make me feel. 

Maybe I should move out.

If that's what you want.

When you get back, we'll discuss it.

Now is as good a time as any.

That's fine with me. Goodbye. Goodbye, Jessica.

Phil suggested that I...Phil is just my lawyer.

How did the Morse stock open on the Nikkei?

I don't know. You don't know?

Tokyo opened 90 minutes ago.

You have to keep on top of it.

Hello, Mr. Lewis. How you doing?

I want this done as soon as possible.

I gotta get to New York. I got tickets to the Met.

Your coat.  Thank you.  Edward. Susan. Hi.

I was sorry to hear about Carter. Thanks.

I heard you got married.

Well...Yeah, I couldn't wait for you.

Tell me something. Yes.

When you and I were dating,did you speak to my secretary more than you spoke to me?

She was one of my bridesmaids. Oh.

Your husband's a lucky guy. Bye. Thanks. Bye.

Do you?  Absolutely. He's leaving. Edward's leaving.

Excuse me. Sure. Is this Mr. Stuckey's car? 

Where are you going? You got the keys to your car?

What's wrong with the limo?

The limo is buried.Darryl can't get it out.

Please give me the keys.

I don't think you should drive. You're excited. 

Don't drive my car. What kind of a system is this? 

Can you move these cars out of here? 

Look, Edward...Are you familiar with a stick shift? Yeah. 

Just be ginger with it. It's a new car.

I can do it. Give me a break, please. I love this car. 

You don't know where you're going.

You're gonna get lost in the dark.



프리티 우먼 영어대본

프리티우먼 page1



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