티스토리 뷰
이번의 영화는 모아나(Moana)입니다.
모아나라는 여자아이가 주인공인데요.
디즈니에서 만든 영화여서 특히나 영화속에 나오는 노래들도 너무 다 좋더라구요.
특히 인상깊은건 유튜브에서 우연히 주제곡을 듣게 되었는데요.
그 주제곡을 24개국어로 부른게 있는데 재미있더라구요.
아주 아주 잠깐씩 짧게 여러나라 언어를 들어볼수 있는데..
다들 목소리가 좋더라구요..
근데 그중에서도 특히 와~하는 목소리는 있더라구요ㅋ.
모아나 주제곡인 How Far I'll Go를 감상해 볼까요.
I've been staring at the edge of the water. Long as I can remember, never really knowing why. I wish I could be the perfect daughter. But I come back to the water, no matter how hard I try. Every turn I take, every trail I track. Every path I make, every road leads back. To the place I know where I cannot go where I long to be. See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me. And no one knows how far it goes. If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me. One day I'll know If I go there's just no telling how far I'll go. I know everybody on this island seems so happy. on this island, everything is by design. I know everybody on this island has a role, on this island, so maybe I can roll with mine. I can lead with pride, I can make us strong. I'll be satisfied if I play along. But the voice inside sings a different song. What is wrong with me? See the light as it shines on the sea. It's blinding. But no one knows how deep it goes. And it seems like it's calling out to me, so come find me. And let me know what's beyond that line, will I cross that line? See the line where the sky meets the sea. It calls me. And no one knows how far it goes. If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me. One day I'll know how far I'll go
24개국어로 부른 How Far I'll Go
어쨌든 요것도 영어공부용으로 영어대본을 만들어보았습니다.
잠겨있는 대본을 풀어서 보시면 됩니다.
Grandma Tala : In the beginning, There was only ocean. Until ‘The Mother Island’ emerged, ‘Te Fiti’. Her heart had greatest power ever known. It could create life itself. And Te Fiti shared it with the world. But in time, some began to seek ‘Te Fiti's heart’. They believed the faith they could possess it. The great power of creation would be vast. And one day the most daring of them all voyaged across the vast ocean to take it.
He was a Demigod of Wind and Sea. He was a warrior…A trickster. A shape shifter who could change form with the power of his magical fish hook. And his name was Maui. But without her heart, ’Te Fiti’ began to crumble, giving birth to a terrible darkness. Maui tried to escape. But was confronted by another who sought the heart. ‘Te Ka’, a demon of Earth and Fire. Maui was struck from sky. Never to be seen again. And his magical fish hook and the heart of ‘Te Fiti’ were lost to the sea.
When even now, 1000 years later, ‘Te Ka’ and the demons of the deep still hunt for the heart. Hiding in the darkness that will continue to spread…Chasing away our fish. Draining the life from island after island. Until everyone of us is devoured by the blood thirsty jaws…Of inescapable our death. But one day, The heart will be found by someone who would journey beyond our reef, find Maui, deliver him across the great ocean…to restore Te Fiti's heart and save us all.
Chief Tui : Thank you mother, that's enough.
Moana : Papa!
Chief Tui : No one goes outside the reef. We're safe here. There is no darkness. There are no monsters.
Children : Monster, Monster, Monster!
Chief Tui : There’s no monster, no monster!
Child : It’s the darkness!
Chief Tui : Hey, ahh, But there is nothing beyond that reef but storm. and rough sea.
Child : I’m getting to throw up.
Chief Tui : As long as we stay on our very safe island. We'll be fine.
Grandma Tala : The legends are true. Someone would have to go.
Chief Tui : Mother, Motunui is a paradise.
Who would want to go in anywhere else?
Chief Tui : Moana, Oh, there you are. Moana, what are you doing?
You scared me.
Moana : What? I want to go back.
Chief Tui : I know, I know. But you don't go out there.
It's dangerous. Moana, come on. Let's go back to the village. You are the next great chief of our people.
Sina : And you do wonderous things, my little Minou.
Chief Tui : Oh yes, but first... You must learn where you’re meant to be.
Moana, Make way, Make way. Moana, it's time you knew. The village of Motunui is all you need. The dancers are practising. They dance to an ancient song. We need a new song? This old one’s all we need. This tradition is our mission. And Moana there's so much to do. Don't trip on the taro root. That's all you need. We share everything we make. We joke and we weave our baskets. The fishermen come back from the sea. I wanna see. Don't walk away. Moana stay on the ground now. Our people will need a chief and there you are... There comes a day. When you're gonna look around and realize happiness is where you are. Consider the coconut. Consider its tree. We use each parts of the coconut. That's all we need. The trunks and the leaves. The island gives us what we need. And no one leaves. That’s right we stay. We're safe and we're well provided. And when we look to the future... There you are. You'll be okay. In time, you'll learn just as I did. You must find happiness right where you are. I like to dance with the water. The undertow and the waves. The water is mischievous, ha ! I like how it misbehaves. The village may think I'm crazy. Or say that I drift too far. But once you know what you like, Well there you are. You are your father's daughter. Stubbornness and pride. Mind what he says, but remember. You may hear a voice inside.. And if the voice starts to whisper to follow the farthest star. Moana, that voice inside is who you are….
Chief Tui : Aahhh?
Moana : Dad! I was only looking at the boats.
MOANA 영어대본
모아나 page1
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