티스토리 뷰

이번에 소개할 영화는 디즈니·픽사의 코코(Coco)입니다.

감동과 재미를 주는 애니메이션하면 역시 픽사인것 같아요.

영화 코코하면 주제곡인 Remember me가 생각나는데요. 

OST가 여러버전으로 불려지더라구요. 


Remember Me - Benjamin Bratt 

Remember me Though I have to say goodbye Remember me Don't it make you cry For even if I'm far away I hold you in my heart I sing a secret song to you Each night we are apart Remember me Though I have to travel far Remember me Each time you hear a sad guitar Know that I'm with you the only way that I can be...
「Remember Me - Miguel」


픽사에서 만든 영화하면 단순히 재미만 있는것이 아니라 감동까지 주기때문에 어린이들은 물론 성인들에 이르기까지 인기가 있는것 같아요.

그리고 영화 코코의 배경은 멕시코라서 멕시코식 영어발음을 들으실수 있어요.

아무튼 영화 코코도 청취공부를 위한 영어대본을 만들었습니다.

영어공부하기 편하게 페이지수 적게 간단하게 만들었습니다. 


첨부파일로 올려놓았습니다.

대본은 비밀번호로 잠겨있어서 비번으로 풀어서 보시면 됩니다.

비번은 저의 email로 요청해주시면 됩니다.



우리 즐겁게 영화대본으로 영어공부 같이 해요.





Sometimes, I think I'm cursed. 'cause fo something that happened before I was even born. 

See, a long time age, there was this family.

The Pap, he was a musician. 

He and his family would sing and dance and count their blessings.

But he also had a dram. 

To play for the world. And one day... he left with his guitar...and never returned. 

And m Mam... 

She didn't have time to cry over that walk-away musician. 

After banishing all music from her life...she found a way to provide for her daughter. 

She rolled up her sleeves...and she learned to make shoes. 

She could have made candy. 

O-o-or fireworks. 

Or sparkly underwear for wrestlers. 

But no. 

She chose shoes. 

Then she taught her daughter to make shoes. 

And later, she taught her son-in-law. 

Then her grandkids got roped in. 

As her family grew, so did the business. 

Music have torn her family apart. 

But shoes held them all together. 

You see that woman...was my great-great-grandmother..Man lmelda. S

he died way before I was born. 

But my family still tells her story...every year Da de los Muertos--the Day of ht Dead...

And her little girl? 

She's my grandmother, Mam Coco. 

Hola, Mam, Julio?

Actually, my name is Miguel. 

Mam Coco has trouble remembering things. 

But it's good to talk to her, anyway. 

So, I tell her pretty much everything. 

I used to run like this. 

But now I run like this, it's just way faster. 

The winner is luchadora Coco!

I have a dimple on this side, but not on this side. 

Dimple, no dimple. Dimple. no dimple. 

Miguel, eat your food. 

My abuelita, she's Mam Coco's daughter. 

Aw, you're a twig, mijo. Have some more. 

No, gracias.

I asked if you would like more tamales. 


That's what I thought you said! 

Abuelita runs the house just as Mam lmelda did. 

No music! No music! Aunque la vida..No music! 

I think we're the only family in Mexico who hates music. 

And my family's fine with that. 

But m...B back by lunch, mijo. 

Love you, Mam! 

I'm not like th rst of my fmily. 

Hola, Miguel. Hola. Muchas gracias! 

De nada, Miguel! 

He-hey, Dante! Sit. Down. Roll over. Shake. 

Fist bump. Good boy, Dante! 

But it's not my fault. 

It's his. 

Ernesto de la Cruz. 

The greatest musician of all time. 

Here in this very plaza, th young Ernesto de la Cruz took his first steps toward becoming the most beloved singer in Mecxican history. He started out a total nobody from Santa Cecilia, like me. But when he played music, he made people fall in love with him. He starred in movies. He had the coolest guitar. He could fly! And he wrote the best songs. But my all-time favorite is... 


remember me Though I have to say goodbye Remember me Don't it make you cry For even if I'm far away I hold you in my heart I sing a secret song to you Each night we are apart Remember me Though I have to travel far Remember me Each time you hear a sad guitar Know that I'm with you the only way that I can be...



코코 영어대본

코코  page 1



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