티스토리 뷰
만화의 앤과 씽크로울 100%인 감동의 미드 빨간머리앤(Anne with an e)으로 영어공부해요.(시즌1-4화)
CandyCandy 2018. 8. 28. 16:28오늘의 빨간머리앤(Anne with an e) 영어대본은 시즌1-04화입니다.
정말 재미있고 추억있는 앤(Anne)이라 계속청취해도 질리지 않아서 좋다고 감히 떠들고 있네요.
반복해서 볼때마다 뭉클뭉클해지는 초록지붕의 앤(Anne of Green Gables)...
남자 주인공인 길버트 블라이드(Gilbert Blythe)는 이번 미드시리즈(그냥 미드라 부를란다. 어차피 넷플릭스가 미국꺼니까ㅋ..)에서도 너무 괜찮게 나옵니다.
원래 길버트의 이미지는 어른스럽고 신사적인 매너남이미지...또래의 남자애들보다 철든 이미지인데 이번에도 그렇게 나옵니다.
아마 모든 에피소드를 다 보았다면 분명 앤과 길버트의 러브라인을 더욱 기대하지 않을 수 없을 것이다.
시즌2까지 다 보고나니 정말 다음시즌이 기다려지네요.
당연히 시즌3도 나오겠지요?
앞으로 어떤전개가 될지 궁금해지기도 하거든요.
아직 시즌3의 계획과 촬영등에 대한 구체적인부분은 없지만 당연히 나오길 기대해봅니다.
그래서 아쉬움을 넷플릭스에서 반복청취하면서 영어대본공부도 하고 있습니다.
01-04 An Inward Treasure
Cordelia Nothing rhymes with your name
Not going to school again today?
There's no need to be ashamed Even though you're strange and plain Cordelia Nothing rhymes with your name But don't be ashamed Even though you're strange and plain
Isn't she supposed to be collecting the eggs?
If she doesn't go back to school soon, you may have to send us both to the loony bin.
First thing we climb a tree And maybe then we'd talk Or sit silently And listen to our thoughts With illusions of someday Casting a golden light No dress rehearsal This is our life You are ahead by a century You are ahead by a century
Hello, little miss.
And you'll need to test the pie's doneness with a small knife.
I will.
Watch the clock carefully, Anne, so as not to burn it.
I will.
I don't want to return from Rachel's to find Green Gables a smoldering ruin.
I will.
I mean I won't. I mean it won't. Don't worry, I'll go right in. Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home. Your house is on fire and your children are home.
I'm going! All except one and that's little Anne, for she crept under the frying pan.
And I'm at my wits' end.
Well since you've asked for my advice, Marilla, I would humour her a little while longer.
You really think it's better she continue to stay at home?
Yes. That is, I wouldn't say "school" again until she's said it herself. And she will. She won't be underfoot forever.
Truth is, I'm torn. Bright as she is, she had such a difficult start in life, she isn't always equipped for certain things. More's the pity: she had such a longing for school.
Bide your time, I'm telling you.
Anne is a clever one and all.
Too clever by half. She'll go back, that's for sure and certain. It's hard to have lofty ideas when you're stuck in a kitchen all day.
Speak for yourself.
She'll soon cool off in a week or so. Or so?
잠겨있는 첨부파일입니다.
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