티스토리 뷰

영화 어바웃 타임(About Time)은 노팅힐, 러브액츄얼리, 브리짓존스의 일기등을 만든 감독이 만든 작품입니다.

리차드 커티스(Richard Curtis)감독인데요.

정말 로맨틱 코미디물의 대가 답게 어바웃타임(About Time)도 너무나 사랑스러운 영화입니다.


또한 여자주인공을 레이첼 맥아담스(Rachel McAdams) 맡았는데 너무 이쁘고 사랑스럽게 나옵니다.

목소리까지 어쩜 그리 이쁜지요.

요걸로 영어대본을 만들어 청취공부를 하는데 진짜...여주의 목소리가 소위 은쟁반위의 옥구슬이 굴러가는 소리 같다고 해야할정도로 너무 좋아요.

레이첼 맥아담스는 남자들이 좋아하는 여배우중에 한분이더라구요.


방탄소년단(BTS)의 멤버중에서도 레이첼 맥아담스(Rachel MaAdams)를 좋아한다고 영어터뷰한것도 생각나네요.


그리고 남자주인공은 도널 글리슨(Domhnall Gleeson)이라는 아일랜드 배우인데요.

제가 반복청취하면서 들을때마다 진짜 목소리만 들으면 노팅힐(Notting Hill)의 휴그랜트(Hugh Grant)의 목소리랑 혼동될정도로 비슷하게 느껴지더라구요.

아무튼..영국식 발음이 멋져요.


그리고 영화에서 빼놓을수 없는 OST곡...

『How Long Will I Love You - Ellie Goulding』버젼으로 맨 아래에 올려노았습니다.



이번 영화 어바웃타임(About Time)도 로맨틱 코미디물을 좋아하는 경우라면 요걸로 영어청취공부용으로도 좋을듯합니다.



제가 영어청취용으로 영어대본을 만들었습니다.

대본은 직접 제가 영화를 청취하며 듣기공부를 해가면서 한문장한문장씩 확인해가며 등장인물들의 대화문장을 반복청취나 대본외울때 편하게 만든것이랍니다^^ 


대본이 필요하신경우 댓글로 요청해주세요.

비번이 잠겨 있답니다.

(비밀번호로 풀어서 보시면 됩니다.)





About Time(영어대본)


I always knew we were a fairly odd family.

First ther was me.

Too tall. Too skinny.

Too orange.

My mum was lovely, but not like other mums.

There was something solid about her. Something rectangular, busy and unsentimental.

Her fashion icon was the Queen.

Dad, well, he was more norma.

He always seemed to have time on his hands.

After giving up teaching university students on his 50th birthday, he was eternally available for a leisurely chat or to me win at table tennis.


And then there was Mum's brother, Uncle Desmond.

Always impeccabley dressed. He spent the days just, well, beint Uncle Desmond.

He was the most charming and least clever man you could ever meet.

His mind was on other things, though we never found out what.

And then, finally there was Catherine. Katie. Kit Kat. My sister.

In a household of sensible jackets and haircuts there was this, well, what can I call her, nature theing.

With her elfin eyes, her purple T-shirts and her eternally bare feet, she was then, and still is to me, about the most wonderful thing in the world.

All in all, it was a pretty good childhood.

Full of repeated rhy thms and patters.

By the time I was 21, we were still haveing tear on the beach every single day.

Skimming stones and eating sand wiches, summer and winter, on matter what the weather.

And every Friday envening, a film, no matter what the weather.

And then once a year, the dreaded New Year's Eve party.

Yeah, I might just get one.

You're absolutely gorgeous.

I'm Katie. What am I drinking?

This is very expensive stuff.

Cheers. Cheers.

Come on, it's nearly midnight.

We're all going through. We're going through.

Look, I've gotta find you a...God!

Everyong makes little mistakes.

It's fine. Come on.


Happy New Year! Happy Happy New Year.


And so I woke up the next morning, hung-over, ashamed of myself, and not realizing it was the day that would change my life forever.

Get up, stupid.

Dad wants you.

Hello. Sexy pyjamas.

Tim, come in.

Do sit down. That's very formal.

Well, um, yeah.

This is and odd mement for me because I had the same moment with my father when I'd just turned 21, and after it, my life was never the same, so I approach it ptretty, um, nervously.

Okay, When you're ready. It's all very mysterious.

Right. Tim, my dear son, the...The simple fact is the men in the in this family have always had the ability to...This is going to sound strange, be prepared for stangeness.

Get read for spooky time, but there's this family secret.

And the secret is that the men in the family can travel ing time.

Well, more accurately, travel back in time.

We can't travel into the future.

This is such a weird joke.

It's seriously not a joke.

So you still do?

Aboulutely. Although it's not as dramatic as it sounds.

It's only in my own life.

I cna only go to places where i actually was and can remember.

I can't kill Hitler or shag Helen of Troy, unfortunately.

Okay, stop. Um...if it's ture, which it isn't.

Although it is.

Although it isn't, obviously.

But if it was, which it's not.

Which it is.

----------이하 생략--------



어바웃타임(About Time) 영어대본


어바웃타임 pape1



 영어대본 첨부파일


  도움되시고 좋으시면
[공감버튼] 꾹꾹 눌러주세요~ ♡

 어바웃타임 OST중에서

How Long Will I Love You - Ellie Goulding버전 


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