티스토리 뷰
제인오스틴의 오만과 편견으로 영어대본학습하기 (Pride and Prejudice-2005)
CandyCandy 2018. 5. 24. 02:10오만과 편견(Pride and Prejudice)은 소설로도 유명하고 영화로 만들어져서 더 유명한 작품이죠.
영화의 여자주인공으로는 엘리자베스 베넷역에 키이라 나이틀리(Keira Knightley)가 맡았으며 남자주인공으로는 다아시역에 매튜 맥퍼딘(Matthew MacFadyen)이라는 배우가 맡았습니다.
두배우의 연기가 참 잘어울리는듯해요.
영화보는 내내 두 주인공들의 사랑 밀당이 사람마음을 두근두든하게 하더라구요.
처음 청취했을때에 놓쳤던 감정선이 2번 봤을때에 보이고.. 너무 사랑스런 커플임이 보이더라구요.
영국식 영어가 또다른 느낌으로 듣기 좋더라구요.
제가 영어청취학습으로 만든 대본 공유합니다.
대본은 잠겨있습니다.
첨부파일을 다운받은후 프린트로 출력해서 보면 더 좋아요.
비번은 저의 email로 요청해주시면 됩니다.
오만과 편견 포스터
Pride and Prejudice(영)
Lydia! Kitty! My dear Mr bennet, have you heard?
Nethrfild Park is let at last. Do you not want to know who has taken it?
As you wish to tell me, my dear, I doubt I have any chioice in the matter.
Kitty, what have I told you about listening at the door?
There's a Mr bingley arrived from the North.
Five thousand a year!
He's single!
Who's single?
A Mr Bingley, apparently. Kitty!
How can that possibly affect them?
Mr Bennet, how can you be so tiresome?
You know he must marry one of them.
That is his design in settling here?
You must go and visit him at once.
Good heavens.
For we may not visit if you do not, as you well know, Mr Bennet.
Are you listening?
You never listen.
You must, Papa!
At once!
There's no need.
I already have.
You have? When?
Oh, Mr Bennet, how can you tease me so?
Have you no compassion for my poor nerves?
You mistake me, my dear.
I have the highest respect for them.
They've been my constant companions these twenty years.
Is he amiabl?
Is he handsome?
He's sure to be.
With 5,000 a year, it would not matter if he had warts.
Who's got warts?
I will consent to his marrying whichever girl he chooses.
So will he come to the ball tomorrow?
I blieve so.
Mr Bennet!
I have to have your muslin!
They were mine.
I'll do your mending for a week.
I'll retrim your new bonnet.
Two weeks I'll do it for.
It's not the same!
It's not the same.
I can't breath.
I think one of my tos just came off.
If every man does not end th evening in love with you, then I'm no judge of beauty.
Or men.
No, they are far too easy to judge.
They're not all bad.
Humourless poppycock, in my limited experience.
One day, someone will catch your eye, and then you'll have to watch your tongue.
How good of you to come.
Which of th painted pacocks is our Mr Bingley?
He's on the right. On the left is his sister.
The person with the quizzical brow?
That is his good friend, poor soul.
He may be, but poor he is not.
Tell me.
And he owns half of Derbyshire.
The miserable half.
Mr Bennet, you must introduce him to the girls immediately.
Smile at Mr eldest daughter you know.
Mrs Bennet, Miss Jane Bennet, Elizabeth and Miss Mary Bennet.
It is a pleasure.
I have two others, but they're already dancing.
I'm delightd to make your acquaintance.
And may I introduce Mr. Darcy of Pemberley in Derbyshire.
How do you like it her in Hertfordshire?
Very much.
The library at Netherfield, I've heard, is one of the finest.
It fills me with guilt.
I'm not a good reader.
I prefer being out of doors.
Oh, I mean, I can read, of course.
And I'm not suggesting you can't read out of doors.
오만과 편견 영어대본
오만과 편견 page 1
영어대본 첨부파일
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